13th Annual Vit-Buckle Society Meeting

JW Marriott | Austin, TX
March 20-22, 2025

Practicing Retina Specialists

Please submit in one of the following categories for consideration as a podium presentation. If accepted, the registration fee will be discounted. If not selected for a podium presentation, practicing retina specialists can opt to present as a poster while paying the standard registration fees.

Practicing Retina Specialists may submit to multiple categories, but only one will be selected for presentation.

Abstracts and videos will be reviewed in a de-identified, masked fashion, so please do not include your name in the videos or file names.

  • Scientific Study on Surgical Topic (standard abstract required - Title, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion, 350 word maximum)
  • My Craziest Surgical Case (Title, 250 word summary, and 3 minutes (or less) video required)
  • Surgical Complication (Title, 250 word summary, and 3 minutes (or less) video required)

Trainees (Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows)

Please submit an abstract for a Scientific Study (medical or surgical) to be considered for a poster presentation. Only standard abstracts will be accepted (Title, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion, 350 word maximum). The top accepted abstracts will receive a VBS Academic Travel Grant, which includes complimentary meeting registration for the VBS 2025 Annual meeting, travel up to $500, and shared lodging (four nights for fellows and three nights for residents/medical students). The best presenter will be awarded a coveted VBS BUCKLE!

The abstracts will undergo de-identified masked review.

Even if an abstract is not selected for a grant, we welcome trainees to present their posters at VBS through the discounted trainee registration.

Applicants must have been involved in the project as a trainee AND be a current trainee at the time of the 13th annual meeting (March 2025).

Fellows can only accept a single travel grant award. If fellows are selected as finalists for more than one travel grant, fellows must choose one of the activities to participate in and withdraw from the other.

Only one Scientific Study submission per trainee allowed.

The Vit-Buckle Society offers trainees many opportunities to attend the meeting with a travel grant. Visit the VBS website for more information on all the opportunities.

Additional Information for all Applicants

  • For your submission to be considered, you must be a VBS Member (free for trainees, $150 for practicing physicians). Trainees, start the application process early as membership requires program director verification. To become a new member click here, for existing members, you can renew here.
  • Submission revisions will not be accepted.
  • You will receive a confirmation email once you submit. Please check your junk/spam folders.
  • Notifications of abstract decisions will be send in mid-November 2024

Design Guidelines

File Naming Please use the following convention for naming your file:
Last Name-First Word of Presentation Title
e.g. Smith-Advancements.pptx
Aspect Ratio Build your presentations or videos are 16x9 aspect ratio, a.k.a. “Widescreen” format.
Videos Format If applicable, please upload videos in either .mp4, m4v, or .mov format.
Presentation Format If applicable, please upload presentations in either PowerPoint or Keynote.

Abstract Submission

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